ROADSHOW PLEXUS: another national event

ROADSHOW PLEXUS: another national event

In July and August, Adega do Cartaxo will hold a roadshow so that the whole country can get to know its trilogy of tastes.
The trilogy is made up of Plexus Branco, Rosé and Tinto, each of which has its own personality, which Adega describes as Plexusly Presumptuous.

With a strong “Celebrate the Summer” feel, Adega has opted for a fresh, innovative and modern image. Plexus will be turning up at restaurants, bars, outdoor cafés, nightclubs and some large shopping centres. The whole roadshow is committed to positioning the brand and publicising it at strategically chosen places. Celebrate the Summer with Adega at


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Cofinanciado por: Ficha de projecto FEADER