Quality Policy

“The Adega Cooperativa do Cartaxo, CRL, recognized nationally and internationally for the wines it produces, aims to consolidate the sustainable performance of its activity and guarantee its position in an increasingly competitive market, where quality is a differentiating factor from the competition and a requirement from customers. always acting in a conscious, ethical and responsible manner, in accordance with its Code of Conduct.”

Therefore, the winery is committed to:

. Consolidate and promote continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, respecting reference standards, statutory and regulatory requirements, environmental requirements and those defined in accordance with the client;

. Guarantee the Quality and Food Safety of your products, through your Integrated Management System, as well as their legality and authenticity;

. We prioritize suppliers with sustainable practices or that have implemented quality systems;

. Establish an Emergency preparation and response methodology;

. Provide the necessary and appropriate human, technical and financial resources for the implementation and improvement of the Integrated Management System;

. Carry out efficient eco-management, seeking to minimize the environmental impacts arising from its activities, processes and services, preventing pollution.

. Provide safe and healthy working environments for workers to prevent potential accidents.

. Satisfy the needs and expectations of customers and interested parties, promoting internal and external cooperation and communication throughout the entire food chain and ensuring the withdrawal and collection of unsafe products from the market.

. Encourage teamwork, promote the competence and involvement of all employees and other interested parties in participating in the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System, in all its activities, processes and services, encouraging social practices and ethical conduct.

. Promote awareness and training programs among its employees, so that everyone is aware of their individual and collective responsibilities in producing safe and quality products, defending the environment and quality of life.

Ensure that its Integrated Policy is available and documented, implemented, maintained and communicated internally to all employees, in order to raise awareness and involve them in the adoption of the best quality management, food safety, environmental and ethical practices .”


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Cofinanciado por: Ficha de projecto
Cofinanciado por: Ficha de projecto FEADER